We have our second seminar for the TC seminar series on Friday (1/13) at 9:30AM EST. We'll mix up the format and have two talks this time with joint Q&A. Please find the flyer with all the details at this link.

Speaker 1: Carlos Mastalli

Title: Building athletic intelligence in legged robots: a top-down approach

Speaker 2: Majid Khadiv

Title: Optimal Control and Learning for Agile Locomotion

Date: Friday, January 13th

Time: 9:30 - 10:30AM EST (GMT -5:00)

Link: https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/91247893326?pwd=L2JWU21aQzc4cU1ZQklEb0QrWGQvdz09

More details on upcoming seminars (and video links for past ones) can be found here.